My best friend messaged me about my previous posts and showed concern.
I saw the comments left on the posts as well and it reminded me that people do read this blog.
I apologize. I tend to forget that after all this time and I don't want to seem inconsiderate or unappreciative to the wonderful people that do read consistently or sporadically.
I wholeheartedly appreciate the support and encouraging words. It is one of those seasons that are trying and I don't want my blog to suffer. I really don't. If I didn't care, I wouldn't have written those posts in the first place. It was one of those moods and I don't regret being transparent in that moment because from that came many kind words.
So thank you .
This goes out to you all!
I just came across your YouTube channel. You are my new hair inspiration and a fellow Jamaican :$. I do plan to stalk you on IG. :$$ Ok not rly but yes I was very inspired! Thank you! Please check out my blog as well as @iamchav on IG and @callmechav on Twitter! ALl the best love in your ventures!